Live Caricature Entertainment

My ability to swiftly and accurately capture exaggerated likenesses is the cornerstone of everything I do as an artist, and is a skill I have spent years developing. It’s what you might call my superpower! When I perform live, guests are able to witness first-hand this initial crucial step in its rawest, most instinctive form. The watching crowd hang on my every penstroke in shared fascination as I create hilarious caricatures of their friends, loved ones, and colleagues. It’s incredibly infectious fun, and a fantastic icebreaker at any event!

When performing live I prefer to work from an easel, rather than roaming the room. This not only allows me to create the clean, amazing likenesses for which I am known, it also makes for a truly unique, spellbinding spectacle that ALL guests can enjoy - not just those in the hot seat. It’s a hoot! Single or double caricatures are drawn to A3 size in only five minutes per person, each sketch comes with a ziplock protector sleeve free of charge.

See reviews from satisfied clients here!

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